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Welcome to Repo-Times.com
Welcome to the third edition of Repo-Times.com. We are the first news source of the
repossession industry. Our timely articles include important
repossession law changes that effect the repossession service
industry and current events that are relevant to the repossession
service industry.
Repo-Times.com has received some great positive feedback from the repossession service industry on our first two editions of Repo-Times. We are striving to bring you important information and well written articles on the issues effecting the repossession service industry. Subscribe now for free and post comments on news articles and letters to the Editor. We want to have an open dialogue on the repossession service industry and look forward to receiving thoughts, suggestions, and ideas from anyone in the repossession service industry. We hope you enjoy our third edition, and look forward to providing you interesting articles on the repossession service industry for years to come. Next issue we are going to cover more skip tracing tips and repossession service management techniques. Repossession Definitions
At the suggestion of a subscriber, Repo Times has added a
Repossession service dictionary containing common repossession terms
and definitions. Our articles will contain links to the repossession
dictionary, where appropriate. Repo Times is also working on a debt
collections and repossession service listing of common acronyms used
in the collections and repossession service industry.
Repossession Service Dictionary Free Repo Times Coffee Mug
Repo-Times.com is offering a free Repo Times jumbo coffee
mug to the next 200 subscribers to repo times. The subscription is free
and the coffee mug is also free. Who said you can't get something for
Full Article Keeping Repo Customers
So you have some quality customers for your
repossession service. You worked hard to get repossession assignments
from these lenders. What can you do to keep your lenders sending you
their best repossession assignments?
Full Article |
Hold Harmless that Don'tThere are some shady lenders that are sending repossession services hold harmless agreements that do not hold the repossessor harmless, instead they are worded that the repossession service is agreeing to hold the lender harmless.Full Article License Plate ScannersThe technology available to repossession services is finally entering the 21st century. Automatic license plate scanners are now available from several different vendors. What is an automatic license plate scanner and how is this new technology going to make your repossession service more money? So You Want to be a Repo manMost repossession services will only hire someone with experience in the repossession service industry. How do can you get experience in the repossession service industry if no one will hire you with out experience? Replevin ActionsMost repossessors know that a replevin is a court ordered seizure of collateral. Most repossession agents do not realize that there are two different types of replevin actions that can be filed in court. What are the two types of replevin actions and which one is right for your situation? Skip Tracing - Warranty RecordsHave you ever checked vehicle warranty records on a car you are trying to locate for repossession? Checking vehicle warranty records is a great way to develop leads on cases you are otherwise stuck on. So where and how do you get warranty records?