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Repossession Reality TV ShowsIn the last few years there has been a rush to produce television reality shows featuring repossessors. How do television shows like this affect the repossession service industry?Tru TV's "Operation Repo" and Nat Geo's "Repossessed" have spawned a lot of controversy in the repossession service community. The first question most people ask is "Is that show for real". While Nat Geo's "Repossessed" seems to be somewhat realistic, Tru TV's "Operation Repo" seems to be staged. In one "Operation Repo" episode Matt and Froylan pull up to a house to repossess a car and a man runs out of the house in a full, head to toe, ninja suit with nun chucks before Matt even has a chance to make it all the way up the drive. We realize that this is California, but do people really sit around in a ninja suit waiting for someone to come up their drive? Overall television reality shows featuring repossessors have some positive and some negative effects on the repossession service industry. The negative effects are easy to spot, Sonia. Would anyone really put this moo moo in a mumu on the streets repossessing cars? I can't think of any lender that would want Sonia to represent their interests. ![]() The other positive effect that that these repo reality shows can have is that the debtors realize they are going to lose the car and that they should do so with dignity and not act like the buffoons that have their car repossessed on reality TV. What's your opinion? Reader Comments: Randy says: Sonia is the only woman on TV that could make Mimi from the Drew Carey show look sexy. (if they were the last 2 women on earth) Mike C says: I think these shows help repossessors because people are afraid of the unknown. Through these shows, people have seen the repossession process and are less likely to act stupid. DonMeister says: I think Sonia should sue Mucinex for an obvious copyright infringement.